Low and intermediate energy heavy ion physics including the study of heavy ion collision from low to intermediate energies and the study of nuclei far from stability; Application of heavy ions in materials and biological sciences; Accelerator physics: Detection techniques; Application of nuclear techniques; Postdoctoral station of nuclear physics; Confers doctorate in nuclear physics and master's degree in nuclear physics, accelerator physics, nuclear electronics and detection techniques.
Synthesis and study of the new heavy neutron-rich nuclids 208Hg, 185Hf and 237Th; Design and construction of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL); Discovery of the reaction mechanism of incomplete deep inelastic collisions and the observation of mass transfer in heavy ion collision at low incident energy; Design and construction of 2X2 MeV Tandem accelerator; Theoretical study of the variation of the shape and pairing of nuclei with spin and configuration; Construction of decay schemes of neutron deficient nuclei 153Er and 157Yb, and observation of the shape transition point at N=86-88 for the isotoope chains including these two nuclei respectively.
Heavy ion accelerator system with 8 experimental equipments; Data acquisiton system; 600 KeV Cockcroft Walton accelerator, 200 KeV heavy ion implantor, 2X2 MeV Tandem accelerator, VAX-8350 computer and PC computers; Library.
Construction of a heavy ion cooler storage ring to cool the heavy ion beams and to increase beam energy up to 1 GeV(for light heavy ions) and 500 MeV(for heavy ones) for atomic physics and nuclear physics research, and for cancer therapy with heavy ions.
A acientist from a developing country will be invited as a postdoctoral candidate or guest scientist to join experimental research work in the institute.
Six cooperation agreements between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and foreign institutions. Three long-term collaboration agreements and protocols between IMP and institutes in Japan, Russia and France.
Name of Diretor/Head: Yixiao Luo Number of Research Scientists: 180 Number of Staff: 470 Scientific Fields of Interest: Physics/Astronomy Address: 253 Nanchang Road-Lanzhou 730000 - China Cable: 6602 Lanzhou P.R.China Telex: 72153 IMPAS CN Fax: (86-931)8881100